

Dr Paolo Casadio

Associate Professor
BA (Stat Sc & Econ) (Rome), MA Econ & Econometrics (Southampton), PhD (Rome, La Sapienza)

Dr Casadio is an econometrician and financial analyst. His work in leading banks in Italy has involved developing econometric models and investment strategies for institutional and corporate clients, as well as the first model in Italy to take into consideration the Eurozone as a whole. He was also involved in consulting for asset allocation and financial research in asset management. As part of the Rrsk management team at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, he oversaw the expansion of the group’s banks to Eastern Europe and the Middle East. In Malaysia, Dr Casadio was head of the University of London programmes at a HELP ancillary college.

For a time, he also headed the Wealth and Investment Centre, providing courses in Finance for obtaining professional qualifications of the Chartered institute of Securities and Investment (CISI), UK. His articles in international journals cover economic growth, analysis of consumption and wealth effects and financial markets forecasting. His current research interest is in Asian regional integration, building a model of 10 ASEAN countries as a whole with models of growth, focusing on education as an enhancing factor. For diversion, Dr Paolo Casadio turns to tennis, bridge, the philosophy of science and theory of democracy.


Dr Yap Kim Len

BA (Acct) (Preston), MA (Int Bus & Int Fin Mgmt) (Reading), PhD (Acct) (Otago), Dip Bus (Canterbury), FCPA Australia, CA (MIA) (Malaysia) Professor; Head of Accounting and Finance, ELM Graduate School

Prof Yap has conducted research on stock market crashes, credibility gap, ethics and governance, audit risks and assurance, non-financial reporting and integrated reporting, risk management, corporate governance, succession planning and Japanese corporate culture, and governance structure in the Asia Pacific region.

She is currently researching Digital Reporting in China. Her research studies have been published in Scopus and other international journals. She is the coauthor What Influences Generation Y to Join Non-Profit Organisations? (Lambert, 2016) which was favourably reviewed on amazon.com for its “intense and in-depth understanding of what happens in a Malaysian context”.

Prof Yap is a member of the Quality Assurance Panel of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). She was also a member of Professional Qualifications Advisory Committee (PQAC) of CPA Australia. Prof Yap is an active contributor to the Malaysian Accounting Standards Board (MASB) on technical accounting standards, exposure drafts and other regulatory matters, and technical forums.


Dr Roy Shanker

Senior Lecturer
BEng (Hons) (Salford), MBA (Henley), DBA (CSU), CEng, FIMechE (UK)

Dr Roy Shanker completed his degree in Engineering in the UK on a Malaysian Government Scholarship (JPA) and has a DBA specialising in Organisational Behaviour. He has almost 30 years of experience in industry. His last corporate role was as the Group Head of Talent Management covering Asia, Europe, Middle East and South America and Regional Vice President (Asia)- HR of a European MNC.

He is also a HRDF certified trainer and was an in-house trainer for the Strategic Management, Effective Leadership, Talent Management and Managing Human Capital modules in various elite corporate Leadership Development programs and High Potential programs in Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong and China. Prior to that, Roy has worked in various multinationals including Sime Darby, British American Tobacco and ICI Paints in HR, general management, project management and engineering.

He is a registered Principal Practitioner of the Association for Business Psychologist (ABP), United Kingdom. He is also a Chartered Engineer registered with the Engineering Council (EC) United Kingdom and Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), UK. Dr Roy is an active researcher in the field of organisational behaviour, specifically in transformational leadership, innovative work behaviour and climate for innovation, and has published in international journals, including in an ERA A* ranked journal.


Derek Poon Hin-fei

Senior Lecturer
BE (Malaya), MBA (Henley)

In a career spanning 25 years, Derek has worked with multinational companies in a variety of industries in different countries in diverse roles as engineer, functional and line management and CEO. His specific accomplishments include turning around companies, taking new startups to profitability, growing companies in difficult environments, developing and launching of products, building and upgrading plants, project management, design and implementation of IT projects, training project managers, feasibility studies and participation in steering committees for projects worth in excess of US$200 million. Derek was responsible for championing the Master of Project Management (MPM) programme at HELP University; it is the first from Southeast Asia to be accredited by the US-based Project Management Institute’s Global Accreditation Center.


Professor Dr. Bernard Lew Shian Loong

BSc (Econ) (London), MFinEcon (UPM), PhD (UPM)

Prof. Lew is currently an Advisor for the HELP APEL.Q DBA and has served as a Moderator for the HELP APEL.Q MBA. In 1997, in the wake of the Asian Financial Crisis, Dr Lew embarked on an academic career after completing a BSc (Econ) from the University of London. In 2000, he took a Master’s in Financial Economics at UPM, investigating the correlation between size, book-to-market ratio and the portfolio returns of Malaysian industrial stocks. His 2012 PhD thesis stressed the need for an algorithmic representation of urban destination resilience, while advancing agent-based computational modelling of tourist destinations.His on-going interests is in market design and entrepreneurial ecosystem resilience which is evident in the postgraduate courses he facilitates on entrepreneurial and current issues in economics. Outside his academic pursuits, Dr Lew pursues his interests in algorithmic composition.